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Playing Offline

In this section, you will add support for playing the game offline.

  • Go to Edit->ProjectSettings->Input manager.
  • Right-Click the input Vertical and Duplicate Array Element.
  • Name the new input Vertica1.
  • Remove the Alt Negative Button and Alt Positive Button of the the old Vertical input.
  • Remove the Alt Negative Button and Alt Positive Button of the the new Vertical1 input.
  • Set Negative Button to s and Positive Button to w for the old Vertical input.
  • Set Negative Button to down and Positive Button to up for the new Vertical1 input.


Next, select the PongFrameSyncEngineController component, set Engine Mode to Offline and Offline Player Count to 2.


Update the OnFrameSyncCollectPlayerInput method of PongFrameSyncEngineController.

protected override void OnFrameSyncCollectPlayerInput(FrameSyncEngine frameSyncEngine, FrameSyncGame game)
    if (engineMode == EngineMode.Offline)
        //player1 and player2 are created because we set Offline Player Count to 2.
        FrameSyncPlayer player1 = game.GetPlayer(1);
        FrameSyncPlayer player2 = game.GetPlayer(2);

        //player1 uses w and s to move and uses g to trigger the ready event.

        //player2 uses up arrow and down arrow to move and uses h to trigger the ready event.

Now, you are ready to play the game in the offline mode. Just hit play. You should be able to move the paddles with the w, s keys or with the arrow keys.

To start the match, you can press g to make player1 ready, and press h to make player2 ready.
