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FrameSync managed updates

StaticFrameSyncBehaviour registers its GameObject to the FrameSyncEngine.

When the FrameSyncEngine simulates a frame, it prepares the player inputs for the frame and notifies all the registered StaticFrameSyncBehaviours to update.

When a StaticFrameSyncBehaviour got notified about the simulation, it excutes the FrameSyncUpdate() method of the IFrameSyncUpdate MonoBehaviour components of its GameObject.


You can think of FrameSyncUpdate() as the FrameSync version of the Unity Update(). It is called every FrameSync frame. Your behaviour and logic should be excuted in the FrameSyncUpdate() method.

FrameSync managed data

When the FrameSyncEngine finished simulating a frame, it notifies all the registered StaticFrameSyncBehaviours to export their data. The exported data is used for the FrameSync consensus mechanism to achieve the agreement on the simulation results among different players across the network.

When a StaticFrameSyncBehaviour is asked to export its data, it excutes the Export() method of the IFrameSyncData MonoBehaviour components of its GameObject.

When a StaticFrameSyncBehaviour is asked to restore to a frame, it excutes the Import() method of the IFrameSyncData MonoBehaviour components of its GameObject with the saved data.

Which GameObject should have a StaticFrameSyncBehaviour?

You have the following Rigidbodies active in the game.

Name Body Type Description
Ball Dynamic Controlled by physics
Paddles Kinematic Controlled by players
Walls Staic Do not move
  • For the Paddles, they read player inputs to move and their position information should be exported, so we should add StaticFrameSyncBehaviour to them.

  • For the Ball, it does boundary check every frame and its position information should be exported, so it should have a StaticFrameSyncBehaviour.

  • For the Walls, they do not move and their physical data does not change so we do not need to add StaticFrameSyncBehaviour to them.

Adding the StaticFrameSyncBehaviour componennt

  • Select the Ball and the Paddles in the Hierarchy window and add StaticFrameSyncBehaviour to them by selecting Add Component->Static Frame Sync Behaviour.

Assign the StaticFrameSyncBehaviourID

You need to assign different StaticFrameSyncBehaviourID to the StaticFrameSyncBehaviour in your scene.

Name StaticFrameSyncBehaviourID
Ball 1
Paddle for player 1 2
Paddle for player 2 3
