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Physics 2D

FrameSync comes with a built-in physics engine to help you simulate physics in your game.

In this tutorial, you are going to use the build-in 2D physics to simulate the ball's movment.

For your first step, you will create a 2D Physics Controller. Right-Click in the Hierarchy window and select Parallel->2D->Physics Controller.



Next, you will create the following Rigidbodies.

Name Body Type Description
Ball Dynamic Controlled by physics
Paddles Kinematic Controlled by players
Walls Staic Do not move

Creating the ball

  • Create a 2D Sprite GameObject by selecting 2D Object->Sprite and name it Ball.


  • Create a circle sprite by selecting Create->Sprites->Circle in the Project windows.

  • Assign the circle sprite to the Ball 2D GameObject.

  • Reset the Transform component of the Ball GameObject to make sure it is positioned at (0 ,0, 0).

  • Add a ParallelRigidbody2D componenet to the Ball GameObject.


  • Add a ParallelCircleCollider componenet to the Ball GameObject.


Creating the paddles

  • Create a 2D Sprite GameObject by selecting 2D Object->Sprite and name it Paddle.

  • Create a box sprite by selecting Create->Sprites->Square in the Project windows.

  • Assign the box sprite to the Paddle GameObject.

  • Move the Paddle to (-10, 0, 0).

  • Set the Scale of Paddle to (1, 3, 1).

  • Add a ParallelRigidbody2D componenet to the Paddle GameObject.

  • Add a ParallelBoxCollider componenet to the Paddle GameObject.

  • Set Body Type of the ParallelRigidbody2D component to Kinematic.


  • Drag the Paddle to the Project window to make it a prefab and make another Paddle at (10, 0, 0).

Creating the walls

  • Create a 2D Sprite GameObject by selecting 2D Object->Sprite and name it Wall.

  • Assign the box sprite to the Wall GameObject.

  • Move the Wall to (0, 5, 0).

  • Set the Scale of Wall to (21, 1, 1).

  • Add a ParallelRigidbody2D componenet to the Wall GameObject.

  • Add a ParallelBoxCollider componenet to the Wall GameObject.

  • Set Body Type of the ParallelRigidbody2D component to Static.

  • Duplicate the Wall and place the duplicated Wall (1) at (0, -5, 0).

Setting up the camera

  • Set clear Flags of the Main Camera to Solid Color.
  • Set Background of the Main Camera to black.
  • Set Aspect ratio of the Game window to 16:9. img

Final touch

You can change the color of the sprite to your liking. The scene should look like.
