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Paddle Position Data

Next, you'll export the paddle position data. The paddle position should be exported and uploaded to the game server for validation.

Add a new script called PaddlePositionData to the Paddle GameObject.

Replace the content of the script with the following. Note that the PaddlePositionData implements the IFrameSyncData interface.

using UnityEngine;
using SWNetwork.FrameSync;
using SWNetwork.Core;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Parallel;

public class PaddlePositionData : MonoBehaviour, IFrameSyncData
    // reference to the PaddleOwnerData component
    ParallelTransform parallelTransform;

    public void Awake()
        parallelTransform = GetComponent<ParallelTransform>();

    public void FrameSyncDataInitialize(FrameSyncGame game)


    public void Import(SWBytes buffer)

    public void Export(SWBytes buffer)

    public void ExportDebugInfo(Dictionary<string, string> debugDictionary)


Add the following to the Import methods.

public void Import(SWBytes buffer)
    // 1
    long y = buffer.PopLong();
    Fix64 fy = Fix64.FromRaw(y);

    // 2
    parallelTransform.position = new Fix64Vec3(

In // 1, you pop the y position value from the buffer.

In // 2, you restore the paddle position to the y position value.


Add the following to the Export methods.

public void Export(SWBytes buffer)
    // 1

In // 1, you push the y position value to the buffer.


The ExportDebugInfo method is left empty. It is only used when you are debugging the game with a local dev server.