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Paddle Owner

Before implementing the paddle movement logic, you need to assign the paddles to the players.

Do this by adding a new script called PaddleOwnerData to the Paddle GameObject.

Replace the content of the script with the following. Note that the PaddleOwnerData implements the IFrameSyncData interface.

using SWNetwork.Core;
using SWNetwork.FrameSync;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class PaddleOwnerData : MonoBehaviour, IFrameSyncData
    public enum PaddleOwner

    // set in the inspector
    public PaddleOwner owner;

    // reference to the FrameSyncPlayer
    // set when initializing the FrameSyncData
    // made public so other component can get the own player
    // through the PaddleOwnerData component
    public FrameSyncPlayer player;

    public void FrameSyncDataInitialize(FrameSyncGame game)


    public void Export(SWBytes buffer)


    public void Import(SWBytes buffer)


    public void ExportDebugInfo(Dictionary<string, string> debugDictionary)



The FrameSyncDataInitialize method is called before the first FrameSyncUpdate() call to the GameObject. You'll implement the logic to assign paddles to their owners in it.

public void FrameSyncDataInitialize(FrameSyncGame game)
    // 1
    MyGameSettings gameSettings = game.userData as MyGameSettings;

    // 2
    if (owner == PaddleOwner.Player1)
        player = game.GetPlayer(gameSettings.player1ID);
        player = game.GetPlayer(gameSettings.player2ID);

In // 1, you get the custom data of the game.

In // 2, you use the playerIDs of custom data and the owner field of the script to get the FrameSyncPlayers. You'll use the FrameSyncPlayers to read their inputs.


The owner field is set in the inspector and should never change. We can leave the Export, Import, and the ExportDebugInfo method empty.

In the Inspector window, click the Overrides button to add the PaddleOwnerData script to the other paddle in the scene. Assign the other paddle to player2 by setting its owner to Player 2. Now you should have 1 paddle for Player 1 and 1 paddle for Player 2.

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