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Online FrameSyncAgent

You'll modify the MyFrameSyncAgent script to support playing the game online.

First, add a public field offline to the MyFrameSyncAgent script to control online/offline mode in the inspector

public bool offline = false;

Updating the OnFrameSyncEngineCreated method

Next, you'll configure the networking input/output of the engine by adding // 7 to the OnFrameSyncEngineCreated method.

    public override void OnFrameSyncEngineCreated(FrameSyncEngine engine)
    // 1
    FrameSyncInputSetting[] inputSettings = new FrameSyncInputSetting[2];

    // 2
    inputSettings[0] = FrameSyncInputSetting.CompressedFloatInput(
                                                           Fix64.FromDivision(-1, 1),
                                                           Fix64.FromDivision(1, 1),
                                                           Fix64.FromDivision(1, 10),

    // 3
    inputSettings[1] = FrameSyncInputSetting.TriggerInput("ready");

    // 4
    FrameSyncInputConfig inputConfig = new FrameSyncInputConfig(inputSettings);

    // 5
    parallelPhysics = FindObjectOfType<ParallelPhysicsController2D>();
    parallelPhysics.autoUpdate = false;

    // 6
    engine.OnEngineWillSimulateEvent += FrameSyncEngineWillSimulate;

    // 7

Updating the OnFrameSyncGameCreated method

Replace the content of the OnFrameSyncGameCreated method with the following.

    public override void OnFrameSyncGameCreated(FrameSyncGame game, FrameSyncReplay replay)
    if (offline)
        // 1
        game.type = FrameSyncGameType.Offline;

        // 2
        player1 = game.CreateOfflineGamePlayer();
        player2 = game.CreateOfflineGamePlayer();

        // 3
        MyGameSettings gameSettings = new MyGameSettings();
        gameSettings.player1ID = player1.PlayerID;
        gameSettings.player2ID = player2.PlayerID;

        // 4
        game.userData = gameSettings;
        // 5
        game.type = FrameSyncGameType.Online;

        // 6

        // 7

        //todo: game settings will be created in the matchmaking stage
        MyGameSettings gameSettings = new MyGameSettings();
        gameSettings.player1ID = 1;
        gameSettings.player2ID = 2;
        game.userData = gameSettings;

In // 5, you set the game type to Online.

In // 6, you create the online players by setting the PlayerDataProvider of the game and calling the CreateOnlinePlayers method.

In // 7, you create the userData of the game. the userData is hardcoded for now for testing.

Updating the OnCollectLocalPlayerInputs method

Replace the content of the OnCollectLocalPlayerInputs method with the following.

    public override void OnCollectLocalPlayerInputs(FrameSyncInput input, FrameSyncGame game)
        // 1
        input.SetFloatForPlayer("y", (Fix64)Input.GetAxis("Vertical"), player1);
        input.SetTriggerForPlayer("ready", Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.G), player1);

        // 2
        input.SetFloatForPlayer("y", (Fix64)Input.GetAxis("Vertical1"), player2);
        input.SetTriggerForPlayer("ready", Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.H), player2);
        // 3
        input.SetFloatForPlayer("y", (Fix64)Input.GetAxis("Vertical"), game.localPlayer);
        input.SetTriggerForPlayer("ready", Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.G), game.localPlayer);

In // 3, collect input values of the up arrow, down arrow, and g keys for the local player.