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Creating FrameSyncAgent

You will create an empty GameObject to house your customized FrameSyncAgent.



Next, create a new script MyFrameSyncAgent and attach it to the empty GameObject by selecting Add Componnet.

Remove the Start() and Update() methods and add the following to the MyFrameSyncAgent script.

using UnityEngine;
using SWNetwork.FrameSync;
using Parallel;

public class MyFrameSyncAgent : FrameSyncAgent
    // offline players
    public FrameSyncPlayer player1;
    public FrameSyncPlayer player2;

    // physics controller of the scene
    ParallelPhysicsController2D parallelPhysics;

    public override void OnFrameSyncEngineCreated(FrameSyncEngine engine)


    public override void OnFrameSyncGameCreated(FrameSyncGame game, FrameSyncReplay replay)


    public override void OnCollectLocalPlayerInputs(FrameSyncInput input, FrameSyncGame game)
