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Configuring the FrameSyncGame

OnFrameSyncGameCreated Called after the FrameSyncAgent created its FrameSyncGame in the Awake() method.

In OnFrameSyncGameCreated, you create the players and set the game custom data of your game.

public class MyGameSettings
    public byte player1ID;
    public byte player2ID;

You will use MyGameSettings as the custom data of your game.

In online mode, game custom data is configured in the matchmaking stage before creating the FrameSyncAgent.

For now, you will hardcode it to run the game offline.

public override void OnFrameSyncGameCreated(FrameSyncGame game, FrameSyncReplay replay)
    // 1
    game.type = FrameSyncGameType.Offline;

    // 2
    player1 = game.CreateOfflineGamePlayer();
    player2 = game.CreateOfflineGamePlayer();

    // 3
    MyGameSettings gameSettings = new MyGameSettings();
    gameSettings.player1ID = player1.PlayerID;
    gameSettings.player2ID = player2.PlayerID;

    // 4
    game.userData = gameSettings;

In // 1, you set the game type to offline.

In // 2, you created two offline players.

In // 3, you created a MyGameSettings object and set its playerIDs to the offline players you just created in // 2.

In // 4, you passed the MyGameSettings Object created in // 3 to the FrameSyncGame.