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Configuring the FrameSyncEngine

OnFrameSyncEngineCreated(FrameSyncEngine engine) Called after the FrameSyncAgent created its FrameSyncEngine in the Awake() method.

In OnFrameSyncEngineCreated, you tell the FrameSyncEngine what the inputs are used in your game.

public override void OnFrameSyncEngineCreated(FrameSyncEngine engine)
    // 1
    FrameSyncInputSetting[] inputSettings = new FrameSyncInputSetting[2];

    // 2
    inputSettings[0] = FrameSyncInputSetting.CompressedFloatInput(
                                                           Fix64.FromDivision(-1, 1), 
                                                           Fix64.FromDivision(1, 1), 
                                                           Fix64.FromDivision(1, 10), 

    // 3
    inputSettings[1] = FrameSyncInputSetting.TriggerInput("ready");

    // 4
    FrameSyncInputConfig inputConfig = new FrameSyncInputConfig(inputSettings);

    // 5
    parallelPhysics = FindObjectOfType<ParallelPhysicsController2D>();
    parallelPhysics.autoUpdate = false;

    // 6
    engine.OnEngineWillSimulateEvent += FrameSyncEngineWillSimulate;

void FrameSyncEngineWillSimulate()
    // 7

In // 1, you create an array of input settings, the game uses 2 inputs, so the array size is 2.

In // 2, the first input is a CompressedFloatInput. it contains the information of the vertical axis from the keyboard. you will feed player's input to it later when we implement the OnCollectLocalPlayerInputs method.

In // 3, the second input is a TriggerInput, players will trigger this input when they are ready to play the game.

In // 4, you use the input settings array to create an inputConfig and you pass it to the FrameSyncEngine using the SetFrameSyncInputConfig method.

In // 5, you find the ParallelPhysicsController2D object of the scene and disabled autoUpdate. You'll manually call the Step() method of the ParallelPhysicsController2D object to simulate the physics in your game.

In // 6, you subscribe to the OnEngineWillSimulateEvent.

In // 7, you simulate physics manually in the OnEngineWillSimulate event handler.