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Collecting Player Inputs

OnCollectLocalPlayerInputs Called every frame to collect the inputs of the local player.

In OnCollectLocalPlayerInputs, you read player inputs from the Unity Input class and pass it to FrameSyncInput.

Go to ProjectSettings->Input manager and add a new input Vertical1. You can Right-Click the input Vertical and Duplicate Array Element to copy the input settings. Set Negative Button to down and Positive Button to up for the new input.


public override void OnCollectLocalPlayerInputs(FrameSyncInput input, FrameSyncGame game)
    // 1
    input.SetFloatForPlayer("y", (Fix64)Input.GetAxis("Vertical"), player1);
    input.SetTriggerForPlayer("ready", Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.G), player1);

    // 2
    input.SetFloatForPlayer("y", (Fix64)Input.GetAxis("Vertical1"), player2);
    input.SetTriggerForPlayer("ready", Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.H), player2);

In // 1, player1 uses w and s to move and uses g to trigger the ready input.

In // 2, player2 uses up arrow and down arrow to move and uses h to trigger the ready input.