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Ball Manager

Next, you'll implment the game flow logic.

Add a new script called BallManager to the Ball GameObject.

Replace the content of the script with the following. Note that the BallManager implements the IFrameSyncData interface and the IFrameSyncUpdate interface.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using SWNetwork.FrameSync;
using Parallel;
using SWNetwork.Core;

public class BallManager : MonoBehaviour, IFrameSyncUpdate, IFrameSyncData
    public bool player1Ready = false;
    public bool player2Ready = false;

    public int player1Score = 0;
    public int player2Score = 0;

    public Fix64 ballInitialSpeed = Fix64.FromDivision(5, 1);

    // reference to the ball's ParallelTransform component
    ParallelTransform parallelTransform;

    // reference to the ball's ParallelRigidbody2D component
    ParallelRigidbody2D parallelRigidbody2D;

    public void Awake()
        parallelTransform = GetComponent<ParallelTransform>();
        parallelRigidbody2D = GetComponent<ParallelRigidbody2D>();

    public void FrameSyncUpdate(FrameSyncInput input, FrameSyncUpdateType frameSyncUpdateType)

    public void FrameSyncDataInitialize(FrameSyncGame game)

    public void Import(SWBytes buffer)

    public void Export(SWBytes buffer)

    public void ExportDebugInfo(Dictionary<string, string> debugDictionary)


The Game starts when both player1 and player2 have pressed the ready button.

Add the following methods to the BallManager script.

public void PlayerIsReady(PaddleOwnerData.PaddleOwner owner)
    // 1
    if (owner == PaddleOwnerData.PaddleOwner.Player1)
        player1Ready = true;
        player2Ready = true;

    // 2
    if (player1Ready && player2Ready)

public void Kickoff()
    // 3
    Fix64 x = FrameSyncRandom.Range(Fix64.NegOne,;
    Fix64 y = FrameSyncRandom.Range(Fix64.NegOne,;

    // 4
    Fix64Vec2 direction = new Fix64Vec2(x, y);
    parallelRigidbody2D.LinearVelocity = direction.normalized * ballInitialSpeed;

In // 1, you set player1 and player2 ready based on the owner parameter.

In // 2, you fire the ball when both players are ready.

In // 3, you create two random numbers in range -1 to 1 using the FrameSyncRandom.Range method. The FrameSyncRandom class generates deterministic random numbers so players will get the same random numbers across the network.

In // 4, you use the random numbers to calculate the initial velocity of the ball.

Handle player ready input

Add the following to the PaddleUpdate script

public void FrameSyncUpdate(FrameSyncInput input, FrameSyncUpdateType frameSyncUpdateType)
    // 1
    Fix64 y = input.GetFloatForPlayer("y", ownerData.player);

    // 2
    Fix64Vec3 displacement = speed * FrameSyncTime.fixedDeltaTime * new Fix64Vec3(, y,;
    parallelTransform.position += displacement;

    // 3
    if (input.GetTriggerForPlayer("ready", ownerData.player))
        BallManager ballManager = FindObjectOfType<BallManager>();

In // 3, you read the ready input for the paddle owner player and tells the BallManager that the player is ready.

Boundary Check

Add the following to the FrameSyncUpdate method in the BallManager script.

public void FrameSyncUpdate(FrameSyncInput input, FrameSyncUpdateType frameSyncUpdateType)
    //check boundary
    if (parallelTransform.position.x < Fix64.FromDivision(-11, 1))
        //player 2 scored

    else if (parallelTransform.position.x > Fix64.FromDivision(11, 1))
        //player 1 scored

For every FrameSync frame, you check if the ball is out of the boundary.

  • If the ball has passed the player1's paddle, player2 scores.

  • If the ball passed the player2's paddle, player1 scores.

Reset the ball

Add a new method ResetBall

public void ResetBall()
    // 1
    parallelTransform.position =;
    parallelRigidbody2D.LinearVelocity =;
    parallelRigidbody2D.AngularVelocity =;

    // 2
    player1Ready = false;
    player2Ready = false;

In // 1, you reset ball's position and velocities.

In // 2, you reset players ready flag. So the players have to press the ready button again to continue.