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Playing Online

Belive it or not, your game is almost ready to be played online. Let's first add a car and another goal for player2.

  • Drag the Car to the Project window to make it a prefab.
  • Drag the Car prefab to the scene for player2.
  • Set the Frame Sync Own of player2's StaticFrameSyncBehaviour to Player2.
  • Do the same for the Goal.
  • Move the player2 car to (65, 0.6, 50).
  • Rotate the player2 car to (0, 90, 0).
  • Move the player2 goal to (158.4, 6, 50).
  • Drag the player1's car to Player 1 field of the CameraTargetSelector.
  • Drag the player2's car to Player 2 field of the CameraTargetSelector.

Make sure to change the Engine Mode of the SoccerFrameSyncEngineController to Online.

FrameSync Demo Lobby Scene

You will use the demo lobby scene that comes with the library to handle the matchmaking of the game.

  • Open the Lobby scene.
  • Select the Lobby GameObject and set Scene Name to SoccerGame

Make sure to add the SoccerGame scene to the build settings.

Launch Another Instance of The Unity Editor

Install ParrelSync, and Select ParrelSync->Clones Manager->Add new clone, and select Open in New Editor after the clone is created.


Hit Play, you can control the car using the WASD keys.

When the ball hits the invisible goal, you should see message "PlayerScored player={playerID}" logged in the Console.
