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Goal Explosion

In this secion, you are going to add a goal explosion visual effect when player scores.

Explosion Force

If you play the game in the Online Rollback mode, when the player scores you will see a few player scored messages. These logs are generated because the player scored in the prediction updates. The game is still deterministic because the scores always get restored to the value before a normal update. We can improve this by only allowing the players to score in a normal update.


Update/Add the highlighted lines to the SoccerGoal script.

using SocketWeaver.FPhysics3D;
using UnityEngine;
using SocketWeaver.FrameSync;
using SocketWeaver.FixedMath;

namespace SWExample.Soccer
    public class SoccerGoal : MonoBehaviour, IFrameSyncOnStart
        FrameSyncBehaviour _frameSyncBehaviour;

        FTransform _fTransform;

        public FFloat range = FFloat.FromDivision(30, 1);
        public FCollider3D[] colliders = new FCollider3D[2];
        public LayerMask playerMask;
        public FVector3 forceDirection;
        public FFloat strenge;

        public void OnStart(FrameSyncBehaviour frameSyncBehaviour)
            _frameSyncBehaviour = frameSyncBehaviour;
            _fTransform = GetComponent<FTransform>();

        public void OnFTriggerEnter(FCollider3D fCollider)
            FrameSyncUpdateType updateType =;
            int frameNumber =;
            Debug.Log($"{} trigger enter, updateType={updateType} frameNumber={frameNumber}");

            if(updateType == FrameSyncUpdateType.Normal)
                FrameSyncPlayer player = _frameSyncBehaviour.owner;

                SoccerGameFlow gameFlow = FindObjectOfType<SoccerGameFlow>();


                //find nearby players
                int collidersCount = FPhysics3D.OverlapSphere(_fTransform.position, range, playerMask, colliders);

                //apply force
                for (int i = 0; i < collidersCount; i++)
                    FCollider3D collider = colliders[i];

                    collider.attachedBody.AddForce(forceDirection.normalized * strenge, ForceMode.VelocityChange);
  • Select the SoccerGoal component.
  • Set Player Mask to SoccerPlayer.
  • Set Force Directiont to (1, 0.3, 0) for player1's goal.
  • Set Force Directiont to (-1, 0.3, 0) for player2's goal.
  • Set Strengh to 50.
  • Select the Arcade Car component of the Cars and disable Speed Limit.

Explosion Particle Effect

  • Update/Add the highlighted lines to the SoccerGameFlow script.
  • You will instantiate a particle effect and disable the ball when the players score.
  • When resetting the game, you will re-enable the ball.
  • Drag the SoccerExplosion prefab to the SoccerGameFlow inspector.

The active state of the ball is a game state that affects the simulation result. The FrameSyncEngine snapshots the active state of FrameSyncBehaviour GameObject automatically.

using SocketWeaver.FrameSync;
using SocketWeaver.FixedMath;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using SocketWeaver.FPhysics3D;
using SocketWeaver.Core;

namespace SWExample.Soccer
    public class SoccerGameFlow : MonoBehaviour, IFrameSyncTimerEventHandler, IFrameSyncOnStart, IFrameSyncComputerUpdate, IFrameSyncDataContainer
        public Text timeText;
        public Text player1Text;
        public Text player2Text;

        public FRigidbody3D ball;
        public FRigidbody3D player1;
        public FRigidbody3D player2;

        [Header("Start Positions")]
        public FTransform ballStartPosition;
        public FTransform player1StartPosition;
        public FTransform player2StartPosition;

        public int player1Score;
        public int player2Score;

        public FFloat resetGameTime = FFloat.FromDivision(5, 1);
        public int resetTimer;

        public GameObject scoreEffect;

        FrameSyncBehaviour _frameSyncBehaviour;

        public void OnStart(FrameSyncBehaviour frameSyncBehaviour)
            _frameSyncBehaviour = frameSyncBehaviour;

            resetTimer = FrameSyncTimer.CreateTimer(resetGameTime, false);

        public void OnComputerUpdate(FrameSyncGame game)
            float elapsed = (float)game.Elapsed();

            int seconds = (int)elapsed;

            int minutes = seconds / 60;
            seconds = seconds % 60;

            timeText.text = $"{minutes.ToString("00")}:{seconds.ToString("00")}";

            player1Text.text = $"{player1Score}";
            player2Text.text = $"{player2Score}";

        public void OnTimerEvent(int timerId, FFloat elapsed)
            FrameSyncUpdateType updateType =;
            int frameNumber =;

            if (timerId == resetTimer)
                Debug.Log($"ResetTimer updateType={updateType} frameNumber={frameNumber}");

        public void PlayerScored(FrameSyncPlayer player)
            Debug.Log($"PlayerScored player={player.playerId}");

            //update player scores

            if (player.playerId == 1)

            if (player.playerId == 2)


            Instantiate(scoreEffect, ball.transform.position, ball.transform.rotation);

        void ResetGame()

            ResetRigidbody(ball, ballStartPosition);
            ResetRigidbody(player1, player1StartPosition);
            ResetRigidbody(player2, player2StartPosition);

        void ResetRigidbody(FRigidbody3D fRigidbody3D, FTransform startPosition)
            fRigidbody3D.position = startPosition.position;
            fRigidbody3D.rotation = startPosition.rotation;

            fRigidbody3D.velocity =;
            fRigidbody3D.angularVelocity =;

        public void OnImport(SWBytes buffer)
            player1Score = buffer.PopInt();
            player2Score = buffer.PopInt();

            resetTimer = buffer.PopInt();

        public void OnExport(SWBytes buffer)


Reset Transition

  • Update/Add the highlighted lines to the SoccerGameFlow script.
  • Create 2 more FrameSyncTimers for the fade-in and fade-out effects.
  • Check the UpdateType of the FrameSyncGame. The visual effects should only run in a normal update.
using SocketWeaver.FrameSync;
using SocketWeaver.FixedMath;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using SocketWeaver.FPhysics3D;
using SocketWeaver.Core;

namespace SWExample.Soccer
    public class SoccerGameFlow : MonoBehaviour, IFrameSyncTimerEventHandler, IFrameSyncOnStart, IFrameSyncComputerUpdate, IFrameSyncDataContainer
        public Text timeText;
        public Text player1Text;
        public Text player2Text;
        public Image fade;

        public FRigidbody3D ball;
        public FRigidbody3D player1;
        public FRigidbody3D player2;

        [Header("Start Positions")]
        public FTransform ballStartPosition;
        public FTransform player1StartPosition;
        public FTransform player2StartPosition;

        public int player1Score;
        public int player2Score;

        public FFloat resetGameTime = FFloat.FromDivision(5, 1);
        public FFloat fadeTime = FFloat.FromDivision(2, 1);
        public int resetTimer;
        public int fadeInTimer;
        public int fadeOutTimer;

        public GameObject scoreEffect;

        FrameSyncBehaviour _frameSyncBehaviour;

        public void OnStart(FrameSyncBehaviour frameSyncBehaviour)
            _frameSyncBehaviour = frameSyncBehaviour;

            resetTimer = FrameSyncTimer.CreateTimer(resetGameTime, false);
            fadeInTimer = FrameSyncTimer.CreateTimer(fadeTime, false);
            fadeOutTimer = FrameSyncTimer.CreateTimer(fadeTime, false);

        public void OnComputerUpdate(FrameSyncGame game)
            float elapsed = (float)game.Elapsed();

            int seconds = (int)elapsed;

            int minutes = seconds / 60;
            seconds = seconds % 60;

            timeText.text = $"{minutes.ToString("00")}:{seconds.ToString("00")}";

            player1Text.text = $"{player1Score}";
            player2Text.text = $"{player2Score}";

        public void OnTimerEvent(int timerId, FFloat elapsed)
            FrameSyncUpdateType updateType =;
            int frameNumber =;

            if (timerId == resetTimer)
                Debug.Log($"ResetTimer updateType={updateType} frameNumber={frameNumber}");

                if (updateType == FrameSyncUpdateType.Normal)

            if (timerId == fadeInTimer)
                Debug.Log($"fadeInTimer updateType={updateType} frameNumber={frameNumber}");

                if (updateType == FrameSyncUpdateType.Normal)
                    CrossFade(1, 1);

            if (timerId == fadeOutTimer)
                Debug.Log($"fadeOutTimer updateType={updateType} frameNumber={frameNumber}");
                if (updateType == FrameSyncUpdateType.Normal)
                    CrossFade(0, 1);

        public void PlayerScored(FrameSyncPlayer player)
            Debug.Log($"PlayerScored player={player.playerId}");

            if (FrameSyncTimer.IsInvoking(resetTimer))
                Debug.Log("Game resetting ignored");

            //update player scores

            if (player.playerId == 1)

            if (player.playerId == 2)


            Instantiate(scoreEffect, ball.transform.position, ball.transform.rotation);

        void CrossFade(float alpha, float duration)
            Color fixedColor = fade.color;
            fixedColor.a = 1;
            fade.color = fixedColor;
            fade.CrossFadeAlpha(0f, 0f, true);
            fade.CrossFadeAlpha(alpha, duration, false);

        void ResetGame()

            ResetRigidbody(ball, ballStartPosition);
            ResetRigidbody(player1, player1StartPosition);
            ResetRigidbody(player2, player2StartPosition);

        void ResetRigidbody(FRigidbody3D fRigidbody3D, FTransform startPosition)
            fRigidbody3D.position = startPosition.position;
            fRigidbody3D.rotation = startPosition.rotation;

            fRigidbody3D.velocity =;
            fRigidbody3D.angularVelocity =;

        public void OnImport(SWBytes buffer)
            player1Score = buffer.PopInt();
            player2Score = buffer.PopInt();

            resetTimer = buffer.PopInt();
            fadeInTimer = buffer.PopInt();
            fadeOutTimer = buffer.PopInt();

        public void OnExport(SWBytes buffer)

  • Create a UI Panel under the Canvas and name it Fade.
  • Set its source image to None.
  • Set its color to Black and alpha to 0.
  • Drag the Fade panel to the SoccerGameFlow component in the inspector.