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Display The Scores

In this section, you will update the HUD to display the scores.

  • Add a StaticFrameSyncBehaviour to the GameFlow GameObject. We want to access the FrameSyncGame in the SoccerGameFlow script to get the time elapsed since the game started.
  • Set the Owner of the StaticFrameSyncBehaviour to computer because the GameFlow is not owned by any player.
  • Add the highlighted lines to the SoccerGameFlow script.
  • Drag the Time, Player1, and Player2 text to the SoccerGameFlow inspector.
using SocketWeaver.FrameSync;
using SocketWeaver.FixedMath;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using SocketWeaver.FPhysics3D;
using SocketWeaver.Core;

namespace SWExample.Soccer
    public class SoccerGameFlow : MonoBehaviour, IFrameSyncComputerUpdate
        public Text timeText;
        public Text player1Text;
        public Text player2Text;

        public int player1Score;
        public int player2Score;

        public void OnComputerUpdate(FrameSyncGame game)
            float elapsed = (float)game.Elapsed();

            int seconds = (int)elapsed;

            int minutes = seconds / 60;
            seconds = seconds % 60;

            timeText.text = $"{minutes.ToString("00")}:{seconds.ToString("00")}";

            player1Text.text = $"{player1Score}";
            player2Text.text = $"{player2Score}";

        public void PlayerScored(FrameSyncPlayer player)
            Debug.Log($"PlayerScored player={player.playerId}");

            //update player scores

            if (player.playerId == 1)

            if (player.playerId == 2)


Hit Play, you should see the time text and the score texts are updated corretly.
