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Call Controller

The VehicleController script that attached to the Car uses the MonoBehaviour Update() to read player inputs and uses FixedUpdate() to simulate the vehicle physics. In this section, you will create a vehicle controller script that reads networked inputs and simulate the vehicle physics in a frame simulation update.

  • Create a new script called SoccerVehicleController and attach it to the Car.
  • Remove the existing VehicleController script.
  • Add a StaticFrameSyncBehaviour compoennt to the Car and set Own to Player1.

Replace the contents in the SoccerVehicleController file with the following.

using UnityEngine;
using SocketWeaver.FrameSync;

namespace SWExample.Soccer
    //implements the IFrameSyncOnStart interface to get initialized by the FrameSyncEngine.
    //implements the IFrameSyncPlayerUpdate interface to get updated in a frame simulation. 
    public class SoccerVehicleController : MonoBehaviour, IFrameSyncOnStart, IFrameSyncPlayerUpdate
        ArcadeCar car;

        CarInputData inputData;

        public void OnStart(FrameSyncBehaviour frameSyncBehaviour)
            car = GetComponent<ArcadeCar>();

        public void OnPlayerUpdate(FrameSyncPlayer player, FrameSyncGame game)
            //read networked inputs
            inputData.steeringInput.y = player.GetInputY();
            inputData.steeringInput.x = player.GetInputX();

            car.inputData = inputData;

            //simulate car physics