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Camera Target Selector

In this section, you will create a camera target selector that selects the local player as the target of the SoccerCameraFollow component.

  • Add a StaticFrameSyncBehaviour component to the Main Camera.
  • Set the Frame Sync Owner of the StaticFrameSyncBehaviour to Computer.
  • Create a new script and name it CameraTargetSelector.
  • Replace the contents of the file with the following:
using SocketWeaver.FixedMath;
using SocketWeaver.FrameSync;
using UnityEngine;

namespace SWExample.Soccer
    public class CameraTargetSelector : MonoBehaviour, IFrameSyncComputerUpdate
        public FTransform player1;
        public FTransform player2;
        public SoccerCameraFollow cameraFollow;
        public bool offline = false;

        public void OnComputerUpdate(FrameSyncGame game)
            if (offline)

            if (game.localPlayer == null)

            if (game.localPlayer.playerId == 1)

  • Drag the SoccerCameraFollow to Camera Follow field of the CameraTargetSelector.