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Currently, the camera does not follow the car when the car moves. In this section, we will create a simple script to make the camera follows the car.

  • Create a new script SoccerCameraFollow in the Soccer folder.
  • Attach the SoccerCameraFollow script to the Main Camera.

Replace the contents of the script with the following:

using SocketWeaver.FPhysics3D;
using UnityEngine;

namespace SWExample.Soccer
    public float distance = 7f;
    public float height = 2f;
    public float rotationDamping = 2.0f;

    public Transform _car;

    public class SoccerCameraFollow : MonoBehaviour
        void LateUpdate()
            if (_car != null)
                Quaternion newRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, _car.rotation, rotationDamping * Time.deltaTime);

                Vector3 newPosition = _car.position - newRotation * Vector3.forward * distance;
                newPosition.y = _car.position.y + height;

                transform.position = newPosition;