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The StaticFrameSyncBehaviour is the unique identifier of a GameObject. It helps the FrameSyncEngine to identify a networked GameObjec.

Which GameObjects should have a StaticFrameSyncBehaviour?

You have the following Rigidbodies active in the game.

Name Body Type Description
Ball Dynamic Controlled by physics
Paddles Kinematic Controlled by players
Walls Staic Do not move
  • For the Paddles, they read player inputs to move and their position is networked, so we should add StaticFrameSyncBehaviour to them.

  • For the Ball, its position is updated by physics and is networked. so it should have a StaticFrameSyncBehaviour.

  • For the Walls, they do not move and their states do not change so we do not need to add StaticFrameSyncBehaviour to them.

Adding the StaticFrameSyncBehaviour component

  • Select the Ball and the Paddles in the Hierarchy window and add StaticFrameSyncBehaviour to them by selecting Add Component->Static Frame Sync Behaviour.

StaticFrameSyncBehaviour Owner

  • Select the left paddle and set its Frame Sync Owner to player1.
  • Select the right paddle and set its Frame Sync Owner to player2.
  • Select the ball and set its Frame Sync Owner to computer.