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Set Up The Scene

Pong features two paddles, a ball and walls that confine the ball. In this section, you will create them using FPhysics2D.


For your first step, you will create a FPhysics2DManager. Right-Click in the Hierarchy window and select SocketWeaver->FPhysics->2D->Physics Controller.


The FPhysics2DManager controls the FPhysics engine and manages rigidbodies in the scene. Disable Auto Initialize and Auto Update because you will manually initialize the FPhysics engine and manually update it.



Next, you will create the following Rigidbodies.

Name Body Type Description
Ball Dynamic Controlled by physics
Paddles Kinematic Controlled by players
Walls Staic Do not move


  • Select SocketWeaver->FPhysics->2D->Circle. A circle should be created at (0, 0, 0).
  • Select the circle and name it Ball.
  • Select the FCircleCollider of the Ball and set Bounciness to 1.


  • Select SocketWeaver->FPhysics->2D->Box. A box should be created.
  • Select the box and name it Paddle.
  • Move the Paddle to (-10, 0, 0).
  • Set the Scale of the Paddle to (1, 3, 1).
  • Select the FBoxCollider2D of the Paddle and set Bounciness to 1.
  • Select the FRigidbody2D of the Paddle and set BodyType to Kinematic.
  • Drag the Paddle to the Project window to make it a prefab and make another Paddle at (10, 0, 0).


  • Select SocketWeaver->FPhysics->2D->Box.
  • Select the box and name it Wall.
  • Move the Wall to (0, 6, 0).
  • Set the Scale of Wall to (21, 1, 1).
  • Select the FRigidbody2D of the Wall and set BodyType to Static.
  • Duplicate the Wall and place the duplicated Wall (1) at (0, -6, 0).

Final Touch

You can change the color of the sprite to your liking. The scene should look like.
