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Playing Online

In this section, you will connect to the SocketWeaver cloud service to play online.

Installing ParrelSync

To make developing multiplayer games easy with Unit, install the ParrelSync unitypackage from It will save you a lot of time. We highly recommend it!

Launch Another Instance of The Unity Editor

Once you installed ParrelSync, Select ParrelSync->Clones Manager->Add new clone, and select Open in New Editor after the clone is created.

FrameSync Demo Lobby Scene

You will use the demo lobby scene that comes with the library to handle the matchmaking of the game.

  • Open the Lobby scene.
  • Select the Lobby GameObject and set Scene Name to PongGame.

By setting Scene Name to PongGame, The demo lobby scene will navigate to the PongGame scene after when the connection to the cloud service is ready.


Make sure to add the PongGame scene to the build settings.



Make sure to change the Engine Mode of the PongFrameSyncEngineController to Online.

Move the Unity Editors side by side. Now, you can play the game online. Hit play!


Enter 1 as the playerID for player1 and enter 2 as the playerID for player2.
