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Declare Inputs for Your Game

The FrameSync library exchanges and manages player inputs. You will create an InputSettings scriptableObject to declare the inputs that your game uses.

Creating an InputSettings ScriptableObject

  • Right click in the project browser, and select Create->SocketWeaver->FrameSync->InputSettings.
  • Name the new asset FrameSyncInputSettings.


Adding Inputs

In this game, the player uses the Vertical Axis to move the paddle vertically and uses the G key to tell the game that they are ready to play.

  • Select the FrameSyncInputSettings and configure it as shown below. img
  • Make sure that Name Space is set to SWExample.Pong which is the c# namespace of this game.
  • Click the Save button.

Extension methods will be generated under the provided namespace to help you get and set the inputs. You can see the generated code at Assets->SocketWeaver->framesync_generated_input->{Your namespace}