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Ball Manager

Next, you'll implment the game flow logic.

  • Add a new script called BallManager to the Ball GameObject.

  • Replace the content of the script with the following. Note that the BallManager implements the IFrameSyncComputerUpdate interface.

  • Drag the FTransform component and the FRigibody2D component of the Ball GameObject to the ballTransform and ballRigidbody field.

using SocketWeaver.FrameSync;
using SocketWeaver.FixedMath;
using SocketWeaver.FPhysics2D;
using UnityEngine;

namespace SWExample.Pong
    public class BallManager : MonoBehaviour, IFrameSyncComputerUpdate
        public bool player1Ready = false;
        public bool player2Ready = false;

        public int player1Score = 0;
        public int player2Score = 0;

        public FFloat ballInitialSpeed = FFloat.FromDivision(5, 1);
        public FFloat ballInitialSpeedXYRatio = FFloat.three;

        public FFloat boundary = FFloat.FromDivision(11, 1);
        public FTransform ballTransform;
        public FRigidbody2D ballRigidbody;

        public void OnComputerUpdate(FrameSyncGame game, FrameSyncUpdateType frameSyncUpdateType)
            //check boundary for every FrameSync frame.
            if (ballTransform.position.x < -boundary)
                //player 2 scored

            else if (ballTransform.position.x > boundary)
                //player 1 scored

        public void PlayerIsReady(FrameSyncPlayer player)
            Debug.Log($"PlayerIsReady player={player.playerId}");

            if (player.playerId == 1)
                player1Ready = true;
                player2Ready = true;

            // fire the ball when both players are ready.
            if (player1Ready && player2Ready)

        void Kickoff()
            // you create two random numbers in range -1 to 1 using the FrameSyncRandom.Range method. 
            // The FrameSyncRandom API generates deterministic random numbers so players will get the same random numbers across the network.
            FFloat x = FrameSyncRandom.Range(FFloat.negOne, * ballInitialSpeedXYRatio;
            FFloat y = FrameSyncRandom.Range(FFloat.negOne,;

            // use the random numbers to calculate the initial velocity of the ball.
            FVector2 direction = new FVector2(x, y);

            Debug.Log($"Kickoff direction={direction}");

            ballRigidbody.velocity = direction.normalized * ballInitialSpeed;

        void ResetBall()
            // reset ball position and velocities.
            ballTransform.position =;
            ballRigidbody.velocity =;
            ballRigidbody.angularVelocity =;

            // reset players ready flag. So they have to press the ready button again to continue.
            player1Ready = false;
            player2Ready = false;