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The FrameSyncBehaviour class derives from MonoBehaviour. It acts as the unique identifier of a GameObject. All of the networked GameObjects should have a FrameSyncBehaviour component.


To implement game logic and to store game states, implement IFrameSyncStart, IFrameSyncPlayerUpdate, IFrameSyncComputerUpdate, and IFrameSyncDataContainer interfaces in your MonoBehaviour component scripts and attach them to your networked GameObjects.



Designed for GameObjects that are not dynamically instantiated or destroyed. If a GameObject is instantiated or destroyed at runtime, DynamicFrameSyncBehaviour should be used.


Designed for GameObjects that are dynamically instantiated or destroyed.


DynamicFrameSyncBehaviour components will be automatically added to the GameObjects created at runtime.

You don't need to add it to your prefabs.


Name Function
Frame Sync Owner The owner of the FrameSyncBehaviour. For StaticFrameSyncBehaviour, its owner should be set in the editor. For DynamicFrameSyncBehaviour, it's owner is set on creation.
Large Data Container By default, a FrameSyncBehaviour can contain up to 256 bytes of data. If Large Data Container is enabled, the limit is increased to 4096 bytes.
id The UInt32 unique identifier of the GameObject. The property is for debug purpose and is readonly.