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Input Settings

InputSettings declare the inputs that your game uses.

The FrameSyncEngine uses InputSettings to create player Input frames

Creating an InputSettings asset

To create an InputSettings for your game, right click in the project browser, and select Create->SocketWeaver->FrameSync->InputSettings.


Editing Inputs


  • To add a new input, select the + icon of the Inputs list.
  • To remove an input, select the input and select the - icon of the Inputs list.
  • The name of an input must be unique. You cannot have two or more inputs with the same name.
  • FrameSync supports inputs of type: Trigger, Bool, Int, float, Vector2, and Vector3.
  • Make sure to optimize the input data size by adjusting the input's min, max, and resolution.

Saving and Code Generation


Make sure that you entered the correct namespace of your project. Extension methods will be generated under the provided namespace to help you get and set the inputs.

To save your changes to the InputSettings, click on the Save button at the bottom of the Inspector.

Generated Extension Methods

The generated extension methods are located at Assets->SocketWeaver->framesync_generated_input->{Your namespace}


    // Generated file, do not modify

    using SocketWeaver.FrameSync;
    using SocketWeaver.FixedMath;
    namespace SWExample.Pong
        public static class gen_FrameSyncInputSettings
            public static void SetInputY(this FrameSyncPlayer player, FFloat value)
                player.SetFloat(0, value);
            public static FFloat GetInputY(this FrameSyncPlayer player)
                return player.GetFloat(0);