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A standard 4x4 transformation matrix.

Static Properties Description Matrix4x4 FMatrix4x4
identity Returns the identity matrix (Read Only).
zero Returns a matrix with all elements set to zero (Read Only).
Properties Description Matrix4x4 FMatrix4x4
decomposeProjection This property takes a projection matrix and returns the six plane coordinates that define a projection frustum.
determinant The determinant of the matrix. (Read Only)
inverse The inverse of this matrix. (Read Only)
isIdentity Checks whether this is an identity matrix. (Read Only)
lossyScale Attempts to get a scale value from the matrix. (Read Only)
rotation Attempts to get a rotation quaternion from this matrix.
this[int,int] Access element at [row, column].
transpose Returns the transpose of this matrix (Read Only).
Public Methods Description Matrix4x4 FMatrix4x4
GetColumn Get a column of the matrix.
GetRow Returns a row of the matrix.
MultiplyPoint Transforms a position by this matrix (generic).
MultiplyPoint3x4 Transforms a position by this matrix (fast).
MultiplyVector Transforms a direction by this matrix.
SetColumn Sets a column of the matrix.
SetRow Sets a row of the matrix.
SetTRS Sets this matrix to a translation, rotation and scaling matrix.
ToString Returns a formatted string for this matrix.
TransformPlane Returns a plane that is transformed in space.
ValidTRS Checks if this matrix is a valid transform matrix.
Static Methods Description Matrix4x4 FMatrix4x4
Frustum This function returns a projection matrix with viewing frustum that has a near plane defined by the coordinates that were passed in.
Inverse3DAffine Computes the inverse of a 3D affine matrix.
LookAt Create a "look at" matrix.
Ortho Create an orthogonal projection matrix.
Perspective Create a perspective projection matrix.
Rotate Creates a rotation matrix.
Scale Creates a scaling matrix.
Translate Creates a translation matrix.
TRS Creates a translation, rotation and scaling matrix.
Operators Description Matrix4x4 FMatrix4x4
operator * Multiplies two matrices.